Is It The Right Time To Begin A Coding Bootcamp?

Sabio Coding Bootcamp
Sabio Coding Bootcamp
2 min readAug 17, 2020


The Covid-19 Pandemic has reeked havoc all over the globe. One thing has become crystal clear: A Skilled Workforce is absolutely paramount during these times. Attending a coding bootcamp is a fantastic way to secure skills that are in-demand now and will be in-demand tomorrow.

Read this recent story in Times Magazine:

Digital Skills Are Required

Also, recently, restaurants have begun to hire robots to do the cooking.

Flippy, a burger-bot hired by LA Dodgers.

Lastly, Fortune Magazine had this story in the Spring:

“Coronavirus Is Forcing Companies To Speed Up Automation, For Better And For Worse”.

Image of Yellow Kiosks

Our world is changing, and you we must all continue to upskill and reskill to remain ahead of the technology waves.

Launch a lucrative career in tech via our free online JavaScript classes found here.



Lead by the most senior coding bootcamp staff in the industry, we are the premier Software Engineering program in Southern California. #CodingBootcamp