Vet Tec Status Update…..All The Details Military Veterans Need to Know!

Liliana Aide Monge
Sabio Coding Bootcamp
3 min readMay 19, 2020


The U.S. Congress passed legislation that funded a U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs’ innovative pilot program named: Veterans Technology Education Program, most commonly known as the VET TEC program.

As detailed on their website, the goal of the pilot program is to help military veterans “…gain computer experience to start or advance [a] career in the high-technology industry…”.

The VA website also details “VET TEC is a five-year pilot program. You can participate as long as the funding is available.” This is super important, because the VA will send you a Certificate of Eligibility, which tells veterans IF they can participate.


Once a student enrolls into a program, and begins day one, that is when an “award letter” is given to the veteran, and then, and only then, does the veteran know that their tuition/fees and monthly housing stipend will be paid.

Sabio Coding Bootcamp became a preferred training provider for this program in the Summer of 2019, and we enrolled our first students in September 2019, and graduated our first cohort in Dec 2019, and our first VET TEC Fellow secured a job in January 2020.

In the middle of May 2020, we were sent an email by the VET TEC administrators that funding for the 2019–2020 fiscal year was coming to an end, and our May 18, 2020 cohort was our last VET TEC cohort.

What does this mean for Military Veterans that are looking to use their VET TEC COE in the future?

Here is what we recommend to all military veterans that are looking to use their VET TEC COE in the future (post May 19, 2020):

  1. Please register to attend a free online info session. We have them weekly, three times per week at 7pm PST / 10pm EST. Attending an info session will allow you to learn how our full time program works. (VET TEC approved our Full Time Program Only). RSVP HERE.
  2. Register for our Free Intro to JavaScript Class. This class is free, online, and self-paced, which means you can code from anywhere in the world that you have WIFI access. ENROLL HERE.
  3. Once you complete our Free Online JavaScript Class you then want to enroll in our Free PreWork Class, which covers amazing concepts like Null Checks, and Bootstrap. ENROLL HERE.
  4. Once you complete BOTH our JavaScript class and our PreWork class you can request an assessment, and you can secure an academic approval for our program.

People that follow all of these steps are going to be placed on a VET TEC Priority List, and these people will be notified the second we get an email from the awesome VET TEC Program Administrators that funding is available, which *should* happen on October 1, 2020 (the beginning of the government fiscal year).

The legislation that authorized the VET TEC program allocated $15,000,000 in annual funding. However, as we saw in the 2019–2020 fiscal year, funding ran out in mid-May.

As I mentioned at the top of this blog, VET TEC funding is very popular; therefore, it is absolutely imperative that you take all the steps detailed above to set yourself up for success.

Please, please do not wait until September 2020 to begin preparing.

It maybe too late.

Control your own destiny.

Take our free online classes, which come with Free live support, now, and get on our VET TEC priority list for October 2020.

Many people were very upset to learn that in mid-May all the Vet Tec funding was exhausted. Please do not be left behind in fiscal year 2020–2021.

Early bird gets the worm.

Early coders get that sweet VET TEC funding COE Award Letter #goldenticket

We are always here to answer any questions you might have, please feel free to email us at:

Written by: Liliana Aide Monge, Sabio Co-Founder & CEO

Dated: May 19, 2020 and updated May 20, 2020

Top Veterans Affairs lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Thursday introduced legislation aimed at helping veterans who have lost jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic.

